
In the 2009, Linea Azzurra earned the Certification of the Quality and Control System, with the consultation of RINA, which has been chosen because of the important experience in the field that it has developed.

The improvement of the system has permitted the adjustment of our administrative systems with the most modern and efficient models and as result the company experienced a rationalisation of the exercise, accurate administration of procedures and functions, spotting and resolution of the noncompliances.

The careful attention to details, typical for an artisan business, is still part of the company despite the actual bigger size, thanks to a the formalisation of certain procedures. 

This system is combined with the maintenance which is then well coordinated and carefully planned. The ordinary maintenance usually takes place in our workshop in Moncalieri with our experiences mechanics and registered in the administrative system in order to foresee any additional  operations hence decrease potential issues on the road. 

Moreover this administrative system allows us to meet the deadlines and to arrange without any delays special or seasonal equipment   (winter tyres, snow chains, safety systems, etc.). 

We also thought quite important to introduce the role of Crew Supervisor who checks the efficiency by constantly collecting information from the crew on the road and reports to the Maintenance Supervisor. Additionally we have an internal staff in charge of the daily cleanliness of the vehicles and equipment in order to always protect our clients health.

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